In 1997, Young Storytellers began as a volunteer-run project in one classroom at Playa del Rey Elementary School as a way to fill arts education programming gaps in public schools. This idea created by three film students grew steadily over the years, into a formally recognized 501c3 nonprofit in 2003, to a robust organization with elementary, middle, and high school programs in 60 schools throughout the nation, with the majority of our direct service programming taking place on Tongva and Chumash land, which is now called Los Angeles. We bolstered our curriculum with educational expertise over the years, and our programs became less about the mechanics of writing, and now focus on helping our students feel heard, more self-confident, and more empathetic through the art of sharing stories.
As our knowledge in education and the communities we serve has developed, so have our objectives. When we first began our work, we went into neighborhoods that were not our own, and we did not do the work to understand them first. Though we had good intentions and a desire to fill a need, and had very real and positive impact, we also inadvertently continued systemic and racial harm, rather than giving communities the autonomy to express themselves in their own ways.
We now concentrate our work in areas that have been chronically underfunded and systemically marginalized. We are focused on how we can best equip young people to be the driving force in their own stories. We strive for a world where all people are treated with respect, dignity, and equity, and are committed to using what power we have as a nonprofit organization to embody our mission and values.
We are certain that these steps will honor our history of success and create a legacy of significance.
We remain dedicated as ever to raising voices, one story at a time.
For 25 years, we have empowered young people to use the art of storytelling to explore their identities, impact the people around them, and create a more just and equitable world. All this work has been done with the help of thousands of volunteers; however, we’ve gone from a volunteer community of thousands to hundreds, a decrease that reverberates throughout the nonprofit sector.
As we look to the next 25 years of impact beyond our local community of Los Angeles, we’ve identified three strategic directions centered on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and anti-racism:
Focus the number of direct service programs we provide each school year to ensure high-quality programming and rebuild a robust volunteer community.
Establish comprehensive school selection criteria to drive maximum impact in historically marginalized and under-resourced communities.
Create storytelling toolkits and resources to be used by communities nationwide.

Narrative by Year
Research and creation of tools
The first year will lay the foundation to scale our impact: researching, creating programmatic tools, establishing organizational systems to accommodate changes, and communicating our plans with our community.
Pilot and initial feedback
In year two, we will test the tools we’ve created in year one with a select group of partners, gather their initial feedback, and integrate any relevant changes as necessary. We’ll also begin preparing our well-resourced schools to transition from providing direct service to a supportive toolkit model.
Implementation and rollout
In the third year, we’ll launch our toolkits and resources
on a broader scale with a broader group of partners, gathering data and feedback along the way. Our learnings from this year will inform our next strategic plan.
For Fiscal Year 2023
Foundation (1) — $725,192
Corporate (2) — $456,304
Individual (3) — $301,609
Special Event (4) — $116,500
Government (5) — $75,488
Other (Interest, Program Revenue) (6) — $15,372
Total — $1,693,125
Program (1) — $1,534,969
Management (2) — $110,802
Fundraising (3) — $75,025
Total — $1,720,796
Download the Young Storytellers 2023 Impact Report
Download the Young Storytellers Strategic Plan: 2022-25
Download the Young Storytellers 2023 Audited Financial Statements
Download the Young Storytellers 2023 990 Form
View our Charity Navigator Profile
View our Guidestar Gold Seal Profile
We’re so grateful for all the people, organizations, foundations, and companies that are generous with their time and money! The names on this page represent both volunteers and donors.
91 people have been volunteering for 5-9 years
8 people have been volunteering for 10+ years
56 people are both donors and volunteers
184 people have been donating for 5-9 years
39 people have been donating for 10+ years
47 people donate on a monthly basis
Aaron Lipsett
Aaron Testa
Abby Ex
Adam Aresty
Adam Craig
Adam Davis
Adam Mazer
Adrian McNair
Adriana Ridings
Aida Arreguin
Aimee Rivera
Aj Nseir
Alanna Fox
Alec Colantonio-Ray
Alesia Etinoff
Alex Slater
Alexander Johnston
Alexander Panagos
Alexandra Cardona
Alexandra Powell
Alexandra Reed
Alexandra Sanchez
Alexandra Yuman
Alexandrina Andre
Alison Haskovec
Allard Cantor
Allie Moreno
Allie Stearns
Almitra Corey
Alon Aranya
Amanda Evans
Amanda Idoko
Amanda Lloyd
Amanda Maddox
Amazon.com Services LLC
AmazonSmile Foundation
Amber Gainey Meade
Amber Lageman
Amber Stewart
Amy Butcher
Amy Hurwitz
Anastasia Nguyen
Andrea Barreto
Andrea Esparza
Andrea Ohlsen-Esparza
Andrea Sainz De Vicuna
Andrea Vicunia
Andrew Colville
Andrew Goldmeier
Andrew Levine
Andrew Marlowe
Andrew Rothman
Andy Coleman
Angela Bao
Angela Cohan
Ani Cooney
Ani Shehigian
Anja Racic
Anna Kim
Anna Lee Lawson
Anna Varnon-Grier
Anne Boland
Anne Marie Iniguez
Anne O'Connell
Annie To
Annie Wood
Anthony Frederick
Ariana Garcia
Aris Mendoza
Arisa Olazabal
Arlene Cottrell
Asher Titan
Ashley Cates
Aslin Paxtor
Audrey Prins
Aury Wallington
Austin Diamond
Ava Aguado
Ava S.
Avery Doan
Avni Shah
Ayla Barreau
Ayla Cuddihy
Barbara (Bobbi) Whitney
Barton Lewis
Ben Ellmann
Ben McFaddenson
Benj Thall
Benjamin Blake
Benjamin Gottlieb
Benjamin Miller
Benjamin Morgan
Bennett Anderson
Benny Sanchez
Bess Wohl
Beth Koepp
Bethany Hall
Beverly Hills Rotary Community Foundation
Bill and Cora Lynn Wilson
Bill Thompson
Bill Westfield
Billy Armstrong
Bobby Hoppey
Brad Saunders
Brandon Moningka
Brandon Park-Lee
Brandon Rachal
Brandy Muniz
Bre Mueck
Brennan Murray
Brennan Pincer-Flynn
Brett Swanson
Brian Gattas
Brian Hoffman
Brian Lynch
Brian Wohl
Brianna Brostoff
Brielle Cruz-Vega
Brittannie Bohman
Brooke Trantor
Bryan Johnson
C Martin
Caitlin Zambito
Cali Watson
California Community Foundation
Callie Zelniker
Cameron Bender
Carlo Fiorio
Carly Farah
Carmen Corea
Carmen Okada
Carolina Montenegro
Carolina Nucamendi
Caroline Harvey
Caroline Huey
Carolyn Gan
Carrie Nichols
Catharine Hsia
Cece Rogina
Chad Lipscomb
Chantel Adedeji
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Chaun Lewis
Chiazam Agu
Chloe Sonnenfeld
Chris Fountain
Chris Hazzard
Chris Kimball
Chris Mack
Chris Trummel
Chrissie Fit
Christina Collins
Christina Li
Christine Barger
Christine Galligani
Christine Steele
Christopher Chambers
Christopher Chou
Christopher Pinho
Christopher Shafer
Cisco Reyes
Claire Chapelli
Clare Reeth
Claudia Keener
Clayton Froning
Clayton Porter
Colin Studebaker
Colleen Watson
Connor Barrett
Consuelo Tejada
Cornelia Frame
Cornelia Kehl
Crail-Johnson Foundation
Crystal Monte
Culver City USD
Curtis Baxter
Daisun Cohn-Williams
Damon Lira
Dan Cathcart
Dan Powell
Dana Ellsworth
Dana Fakhreddine
Daniel Accomando
Daniel Hatcher
Daniel J. Garcia
Daniel Kunka
Daniel Noble
Daniel Sheerin
Daniel Weingarten
Daniela Rubalcava
Danielle Maddox
Danielle Pinnt
Danielle Thorpe
Danny Abrahms
Darien Battle
Darren Bluestone
David Clayton
David DeSantos
Justin Casselle
Justine Lorin
Kacey Dukaj
Kacy Boccumini
Kai Boyd
Kailena Grosse
Kaitlyn DeShon
Kalena Ranoa
Kalyn Rivers
Kandon Haynes
Kaniz Fatema
Karen Corneille
Karen Lucente
Karin Lin
Kate Bond
Kate Hawkes
Kate Huffman
Kate Mason
Kate Schumaecker
Katerina Baruffi
Katherine Esquivel
Kathryn Nedwick
Katie Menish
Katie Snyder
Katie Xing
Kayla Anne McGill
Keith Miller
Kelly Dreher
Kelly Frederick
Kelsey Ford
Ken Long
Kennan Aquino
Kenneth A Seeno
Kenneth Hillman
Kenny Leu
Kerry Conway
Kevin Shapiro
Khail Anonymous
Kila Packett
Kiliaen Van Rensselaer
Kim Vela
Kinsey Watson
Kirk Balden
Kirstin Kluver
Koko Archibong
Kristin Lorey-Nissen
Laila Babaeian
Langley Smith
Lani Monos
Laura Stephanie Tait
Lauren Beck
Lauren Piper
Lauren Sanchez
Lauren Selman
Laurence Braude
Laurie Carpenter
Laz Pacheco
Lazaro Pacheco
Leah & Angel
Leah Haile
Leah Welch
Leander Rappmann
Leigh Colfer
Leonardo Santaiti
Leora Weinstock
Les Kurkendaal-Barrett
Lexi Sloan
Liana Liang
Liberty Hill Foundation
Linda Lira
Linda Trujillo
Lindsay Allbaugh
Lindsey Naves
Lindy Booth
Lisa Bryan
Lisa DelPrete
Lisa Manterfield
Liviera Lim
Llisa Prater
Logan Miles
Lora Gilmore
Lori Balaban
Lori Shufflebarger
Lorie Franck
Lorna Kwan
Lorrie and Glen Drogin
Louis Evans
Lucia Cortez
Lucinda Pease-Alvarez
Lucy Cole
Lucy Stutz & Jared Levine
Luis Selgas
Łukasz Czekajewski
Luke Carlsen
Lydia Chammas
Lyndsay Brill
Lyndsi LaRose
Lynette H
Lynette Kato
Lynsday Brill
Madeleine Despins
Madison Edson
Madison Rose Green
Madison Story
Maggie Lo
Makenzie Rupert
Malia Conklin
Marc Fellner Erez
Marc Gordon
Margaret Kenny
Margaret Thompson
Maria Pallas
Marika Cahn
Marilyn Mark
Marisa Messina
Maritza Garcia
Mark Gagliardi
Mark Ganshirt
Mark Petersen
Mark Wilson
Marvin Akanyi
Mary Ellen Bonner
Mary Purnell
Mary Somers
Matt Checkowski
Matt Handy
Matt Kawczynski
Matthew Harmer
Matthew Moore
Maura Church
Maura Mannle
Maurice Amado Foundation
Max Garcia
Max Kranzler
Max McDermott
Max Stenstrom
Maya Morales
Meagan Cavasar
Medina Senghore
Megahn Kramer
Megan Furnish
Megan Halpern
Meghann Heinrich
Mekita Faiye Davis
Melanie Pal
Melissa Ward
Meredith Thomas
Meredith Wieck
Meryl Phillips
Mia Mollicone
Michael Cole
Michael Cotter
Michael Grimm
Michael Jones
Michael Karsh
Michael Keller
Michael Kennett
Michael Morales
Michael Nassau
Michael Scovill
Michael Silva
Michael Ward
Michael Warker
Michelle Esparza
Michelle Fowler
Michelle Grondine
Michelle Her
Michelle Kamme
Michelle Paris
Mike Anderson
Mike Aquino
Mike C. Nelson
Mike Muney
Mike OMalley
Mikey Takla
Minh An Ho
Minoru Tsumura
Moana Casanova
Molly Gray
Monette Moio
Montea Robinson
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Munika Lay
Nadiyah Hollis
Nahal Sabrkhani
Nancy E. Barton Foundation
Nancy Ma
Nancy Wagner
Narmar Hanna
Natalie Camou
Natalie Edmonds
Natalie Wooding
Nathan Kitada
Nathan Parker
Nathan Walpow
National Philanthropic Trust
Negar Iacobs
Neil Yanga
Nelson Jones
Nelson Yip
Netta Most
David Greis
David Guy Levy
David Martel
David Ohlsen-Esparza
David Silverstein
David Steinberg
David W. Stone
David Wappel
David Wilder
David Yang
Deborah Ortiz
Dena Cheng
Denise Johnson
Devin&Briar D
Dezmo DeGano
Dia Brown
Diana Gazdik
Diana Lesmez
Dillon Bernard
Dinah Manning
Dmarc Test
Dominic White
Dominique Wright
Donna Roth
Dorothy Blue
Doug Rogers
Douglas Fisher
East West Bank
Eduardo Hidalgo
Edward Shuttleworth
Eli Seidman
Eliana Pipes
Elias Benavidez
Elissa Aron
Elissa Wilson
Elizabeth Butler
Elizabeth Cheong
Elizabeth Fraser
Elizabeth Wilson
Ellen Goldsmith-Vein
Ellen McGinnis
Emily Kim
Emily Kinney
Emily Rickard
Emma Michalak
Emma Ross
Emmanuel Kwizera
Emmett Loverde
Eric Michael Urbiztondo
Eric Toms
Eric Urbiztondo
Erica Ash
Erica Clayton
Erick Cabrera
Erik Scoggan
Erika Mitchell
Erin Jordan
Erin Leahy
Erin Pineda
Esmeralda Vasquez
Esther de Rothschild
Ethan Dunning
Eugene Nomura
Eugene Shaw
Eva Guidarini
Evan Goldberg
Evan Hoopes
Evette Washington
Faye Wachs
For Good Foundation
Franchesca Agramonte
Frank Williams
Gabe Schneider
Gabriela Banuelos
Gabriela Lopez
Gary Nelson
George Ayvazyan
Gina Rodriguez
Gina Taranto
Gisele Roberts
Giulietta Aquino
Give Back Brands Foundation
Glenis Hunter
Grace Flores
Grant Cohen
Grayson Propst
Gregory Machlin
Haely White
Hannah Chatalas
Hannah Levitan
Hasbro Inc.
Hayley Gazdik
Hayley Keown
Hayley Nash
Hearthland Foundation
Heather Dowling
Helen De La Cruz
Henry Davies
Herb Alpert Foundation
Hilary Romaine
Hillary Freedman
Holly Myer
Hunter Carlisle
Husein Alićajić
Igor Parfenov
Ilene Resnick
Impact Assets
Ina Reyatt
Ineke Boscarino
Iris Kim
Irma Vargas
Isa Hopkins
Isela Monterrosas-Delgado
Ivana Rojas
J Nava
J.B. Waterman
Jackie Cortes
Jaclyn Wertheimer
Jacob Densen
Jaia (Jacqueline) Aluning
Jaime Balboa
Jaime Carbajal
Jaime Perdomo
Jaimie Woo
Jake Curtis
Jake Regal
Jake Robards
Jake Salcudean
James Amos Blackmon
James Herr
James Pincus
James Stephenson
Jantzn May
Jason Director
Jason Mittleman
Jay and Deirdre Gibson
Jaylene Benggon Chung
Jayme Lynn Evans
Jeff Bowser
Jeffrey Dickerson
Jeffrey perlmutter
Jen Caprio
Jenna Clingingsmith
Jenna Johnson
Jennifer Castillo
Jennifer Dellapina
Jennifer Dowd
Jennifer Letscher
Jennifer MacDonald
Jennifer Modisett
Jennifer Siddique
Jennifer Wenger
Jenny Robinson
Jereith Gemora
Jeremiah Blessinger
Jeremy Jepson
Jeremy Rabb
Jesse Behrenwald
Jessica Delfanti
Jessica Ferretti
Jessica Fuks
Jessica Mastro
Jessica S Law
Jill Usui Datwyler
Jillian Dunn
Jimena Gamio
Jin Soo Kang
Jinsoo Kang
Jodi Hicks
Jodi Moore
Joe Kaiser
John Boone
John Im
Johnny Langan
Johnny Severin
Joko Robles
Jon Weinberg
Jonah Weiland
Jonathan Jarkin
Jonathan Snyder
Jongsuk Yu
Jordan Heimer
Jordan Weiss
Jose Barrera
Joseph Hirte
Joseph Pearlman
Joseph Pickard
Josh Aichenbaum
Josh Itzkowitz
Josh Pafchek
Josh Peters
Josh Rapp
Joshua Ades
Joshua R. Scherr
Jude Kivel
Julia Anderson
Julian Broudy
Julian Gray
Julian Malagon
Julie Mercik
Juliet Berman
Junyi Lee
Niceole Levy
Nicholas Berger
Nicholas Gerger
Nicholas Luciano
Nicholas Wittcoff
Nick de Graffenreid
Nick Nieves
Nick Scown
Nick Smith
Nicola Jones
Nicole Arlook
Nicole Llera
Nicole Montes
Nicole Santolo
Nicole Wisdom
Nidia Cos
Nikki Montes
Nora Brickman
Nora Sullivan
Nora Zuckerman
Olivia Kaplan
Olivia Krasnik
Olufemi Oduntan
Orli Lahav
Orson Chung
Pablo Espada
Paige Hullett
Pal Dunham Storange, LLC
Pamela F Schroeder
Patrice Avery
Patricia Pierce
Patricia Siqueiros
Patrick Garriagn
Paul Grellong
PayPal Giving Fund
Peter Haig
Peter Principato
Peter Zasadny
Phil Abrams
Philip Fowler
Preston DeFrancis
Rachael Jones
Rachel Cora Wood
Rachel Davenport
Rachel Gysin
Rachel Nelson
Rachel Rosenbloom
Rachel Roth
Ralph & Maria Ziman
Rasheeda Garner
Rawan Hage
Ray Yamamoto
Rebecca Goodwin
Reigh Casimir
Renato Cancado Gontijo
Rene Benavides
Rene Hartel
Renee Perez
Renee Yang
Richard Reyes
Riddhi Patel
Rishka Mehra
Rita Khori
Robert Lamonaca
Robert Taylor
Rodney Hobbs
Rogelio Salinas
Roland Buck III
Roma Murphy
Rosa Carrion
Rosa Frausto
Rosita Ruvalcava
Ruben Munoz
Russell Dott
Ruthie Cwik
Ruy Iskandar
Ryan Caldwell
Ryan Kaufman
Ryan Ogburn
Sage Porter
Salim Aliaga
Sam Hendrian
Sam Rogoway
Samanta Rodriguez
Samantha Campbell
Samantha Hessinger
Samuel Leon
Samuel Rothman
Santino Jimenez
Sarah Bower
Sarah Champion
Sarah Cortez
Sarah Solemani
Savanah Rubin
Script Supervisors Local 871, IATSE
Sephora Markson
Seth MacFarlane
Shane Houghton
Shanee Gilboa
Shanna Green
Shannon Pallone
Sharon Gardner
Sharon Rosner
Shawn Willis
Sheryl Scott
Shinkai Karzai
Shukree Tilghman
Snap Foundation
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Sophie Shapiro
Spencer Paez
Stacey Hoppe
Stacey Levine
Stacy Cobb
Stacy Osugi
Stan Wertlieb
Stefanie Stevens
Stella Chloe
Steph Martinez
Stephanie Dodson
Stephen Hauser
Sterling Barnett
Steve Fisher
Steve Hunt
Stuart Friedel
Sumi Parekh
Sunny Vachher
Susanna Tamez
Suzanne McCormack
Suzanne Rodday
Sydney Baines
Sylvia Zaragoza
Tabitha Petrini
Talya Stern
Tammy-Anne Fortuin
Tania Ramos
Tanya Edmilao
Taryn Falkenstein
Tatiana Turan
Tawney Bains
Taylor Morken
Tendo Nagenda
Teresa Barker
Tess Barker
Tess Kessler
Teyra Anderson
The Rascals !
The Walt Disney Company
Thomas Jenkins
Tiffany Bank
Tijara Smith
Tim Kennedy
Tim Thompson
Timothy Grant
Tina Bunch
Tina Thompson
Tineka Becker
Tommy Metz
Tori La Desma ( Ward)
Tracy Aftergood
Tracy Whitaker
Travis Bauer
Travis Dixon
Tyler Chapman
U.S. Bank
Valerie Tirado-Henderson
Vanessa Walta
Vianca Dunning
Vicki Shaghoian
Victoria House
Vincent Ybanez
Vivian Nappier
Warner Bros. Discovery
Wasiq Al Mamun
Wendy Chang
Wendy Gartrell
West Liang
WHH Foundation
Wilbur May Foundation
Will Ahrens
Will Simmons
William Deasey
William Girola
William Mantzoukas &
Cynthia Mantzoukas
Yasemin Corzo
Yazmin Mendez
Yield Giving
Yin Ki Arianna Chan
Yukilynn McElvain
Yusuf Artam
Yuval Bar-Zemer
Yvonne Orji
Zachary Head
Zachary J Arena
א. מוסט ניהול -
Government Sponsors
Commissioned by Palatine Capital Partners through the LA County Department of Arts and Culture Public Art in Private Development program
Foundation Supporters
Corporate Sponsors