February 2024 Newsletter
Starting the School Year with Style!
PC: Brandon Moningka
Dear YS Community,
Spring semester has officially begun, and there’s so much to look forward to. Exactly one year ago, we shared our new Strategic Plan. In 2023, we focused on laying a strong foundation to expand our impact. This year, we’re excited to start piloting new tools and maximizing our direct service to schools around Los Angeles.
Keep reading to learn exactly what’s going on at Young Storytellers this Spring, and all of the ways you can get involved!
💡Did you Know? February is Story Club’s Birthday!
Want to help us reach our goals this year? Join Story Club! It’s the most sustainable way to support the work we do. By committing to making a monthly contribution of any amount, you help us plan out each year, and beyond! Plus, you’ll receive a story written by one of our students delivered to your inbox each month. Get ready to swoon with this month’s Valentine’s Day inspired read, “Monster in Love” by Alberto Jarrin.
Art by Ana Hernandez
Impact Report Highlight
Here are some exciting stats from this last school year:
To read more, check out our latest impact report!
Programs Start Soon!
PC: Brandon Moningka
Spring programming officially begins on February 20th! We are excited to share that Young Storytellers will be in over 30 schools this semester. We will be offering all of our programs in schools around Los Angeles: Script to Stage, Collaborative Script to Stage, Middle & High School, and Day of Story. The YS staff has been working hard behind the scenes to review & update our curriculum, set schedules with school liaisons, select student writers, and recruit & place volunteers.
Speaking of, we are still looking for volunteers this semester! If you or someone you know is interested, you can sign up for more information here. No writing or teaching experience is needed – we’ll train you on the curriculum and you will be led through the program by one of our amazing Head Mentors! It’s a great way to connect with the next generation of storytellers and to join a community of like-minded individuals.