May 2023 Newsletter
PC: Diozen Oasin
Dear YS Community,
We can’t believe our spring programming is already coming to an end. As always, it’s been an amazing semester full of laughter, time spent with members of our community old and new, and of course, some epic Big Shows.
Read on to learn more about what a semester with Young Storytellers is really like from start to finish. Each month highlights important events, milestones, and individuals that move forward our mission, all under the banner of a YS value (Play, Exploration, Connection, Equity, Belonging). Our work is truly made special through the collective of individuals who dedicate their time and energy to it, and we could not be more proud and excited for many more semesters to come!
Creating the Playbook
The year begins with close collaboration between YS staff and educators as we confirm our programs for the semester. A lot goes into bringing that YS magic to schools, and all hands are on deck: staff, educators, volunteers, principals - you name it!
PC: Ed Hidalgo
This January, we kicked the year off with a Strategic Plan Town Hall. YS staff had been hard at work throughout 2022 in the creation of a new strategic plan for the next 3 years. It was important to us to share our process with our community in an effort to be as transparent and inclusive as possible. It was exciting to share our plans from the future and receive feedback from the YS community. You can read more about the strategic plan here!
Exploration Station
February marks the beginning of our programs! We make sure our schools are stocked with up-to-date curriculum and supplies, and we spend time engaging with and training our volunteers so they feel ready to put their best foot forward. Samantha Hessinger, one of our volunteers, shares about her experience working with Young Storytellers and what keeps her coming back semester after semester.
What first brought you to YS?
I found Young Storytellers right after I moved to LA last fall. I was looking for a way to get involved in my new community and meet people. Young Storytellers allowed me to do that while also sharing my love of storytelling!
As a volunteer, what keeps you coming back each semester?
I love that YS is such a mission driven organization. Everyone I've met through the program is passionate about uplifting children's voices and giving students the tools to tell their own stories. And of course, the kids are hilarious and keep me on my toes.
What have you most enjoyed about this semester or school year so far?
I've now had the opportunity to work on both Middle School Stories and Collaborative Stories and my favorite part is always the moment where suddenly the students write "the end" on their first draft. The hardest part of writing is actually following through and finishing a project so it's really sweet to see how excited they get when they finish.
Why is volunteering so important to you?
I believe we should all do our best to make this world a better place and that the "smallest" ways of doing that are the most meaningful. Positively impacting one child's confidence in their own voice with a heart-felt compliment might be a little thing to you, but to them it means the world.
Creative Connections
By March, our programs are in full swing! Head mentors, volunteers, and educators share the YS curriculum and support students tap into the power of sharing their story.
This month, members of our community came together in a new way at our first ever film screening, Spark by Spark West! We screened 5 short films made by different members of the YS family at the YS office in downtown LA. It was such a fun and celebratory night!
PC: Sunny Vacher
Energizing through Equity
Outside of the schools, members of the YS community are working hard to ensure programs are running smoothly and laying down sustainable groundwork for the future. At YS, we actively prioritize centering diversity and equity in our work and regularly touch base to identify ways we can shift and improve. One of the ways we do this is through annual giving to important social-impact organizations in our community. Meet Michelle Rhone-Collins (she/her), CEO at LIFT, one of our Community Gifts Recipients.
What personal identities are important to you?
I am a Black Woman leader which carries a deep responsibility with and for the communities I partner with in building race and gender equity in economic mobility. I am Jamaican American—a heritage that means a lot to me in terms of the values of generous joy, diligence, and a zest for living in the present moment. I am the mother of two amazing children who are my greatest teachers and source of motivation.
Tell us more about your work and role at LIFT- what's your mission or impact you hope to have?
Poverty, like wealth, is passed from generation to generation, keeping families trapped in a cycle. Our mission at LIFT is to break this cycle by investing in parents, build families’ well-being, financial strength, and social connections to lift two generations at once. At LIFT, we put parents in the driver’s seat to set their own goals and with the help of LIFT coaches, parents achieve them. Just this last year, LIFT parents increased their average annual increase by 30% to $21,324, increased their savings by $4,761 and decreased their debt by $2,310. They have gone back to school, started businesses, and purchased homes. We have a vision to change lives and to change the systems impacting those lives with our humanitarian approach.
What brought you to this work?
I LIFT because of the fierce love that my parents gave to me instilling a belief that I can do whatever I wanted that served as a buffer to racism, sexism, xenophobia. My life’s work is a testament to their legacy. It is this transformational love that unlocks potential and possibility that is essential in my work to uplift BIPOC communities that have been historically marginalized and disenfranchised. I am proud to be the CEO of an organization that puts this at the forefront as our rallying cry and design principle. We uphold that all parents deserve investments of hope, money and love to move from surviving to thriving. (It is literally up in lights in our office!)
Everyone Belongs at a BIG SHOW!
We bet you already know - it’s Big Show season! This is when all of our hard work comes to life. Students have the opportunity to see their scripts performed live by volunteer actors, and it's simply the best way to culminate a semester filled with hard-work, growth, and of course, lots of joy. Check out some pictures from our first Big Show of the semester at Coldwater Elementary!
PC: John Fraser
Hear from one of our alums, Jacob Cravens-Mesa (he/him), about what they love about Young Storytellers and why they continue to stay involved since their program ended in 2014.
How did you get reconnected to YS after your program ended?
“I never really disconnected from Young Storytellers. Since high school, I volunteered annually, even working into college. Since graduating college, I have been able to stay connected through alumni lunches and dinners.”
What makes you continue engaging with Young Storytellers?
“I continue to engage with Young Storytellers because of the community and mission statement. I love what YS represents and wish to continue helping kids tell their own stories.”
What do you want current and future YS students to know?
“I want future and current Young Storyteller students to know that their stories are unique and important. Capture them by any means possible.”
Jacob currently works as a kindergarten assistant teacher in Orange County. He also works as a grip, writes screenplays, and does freelance photography.
This was just a glimpse into a semester at Young Storytellers. There’s so many amazing individuals, events, and achievements to talk about - it’s hard to pick just a few! Of course, you can stay in touch with us by joining the community as a volunteer, donor, or by following us on social media. We can’t believe we’re already saying farewell to this semester, but you can bet we’re already gearing up for fall!
Young Storytellers